> I have installed the Opera browser on LM8.0
> During the normal navigation I got a "freeze screen" .. the PC become
compl> etely unresponsive .
> I thought that this didn't happen on Linux .

Usually Linux will not be totally dead when something like this happens. It normally is
just part of the application that locks up.

> The fact that an application can bring down an OS was the reason that I've
> switched from Windows .. many people assured me that "freeze screens" and
"> blue screens" wouldn't happen.
> I am a bit disappointed :-(

Did you try to go to a new command prompt (ctrl-alt-F2 for instance)? In there you can 
in as root and do 

ps =ef | grep opera

to see the PID of the program. THen you can kill it. (Or use kill -9 if the problem is
very persistent).
But you can try this if it happens again. Perhaps you moved to a site that is designed 
M$ stuff. Often linux-browsers hate that. I know that Netscape often freezes and even
collapses on sites like that.

> I had to press the reset button and reboot.
> But while the system was rebooting I've got a message that the disk wasn't
> cleanly unmounted and that some kind of check had to be done.
> The problem is that errors were found and I was presented two choices:
> 1) Press Control + D  for normal startup. Which I did .. but with no luck
> 2)Provide root password to do some kind of manual fixes.

I don't recall the exact command, but I think it is fs2chk. You run that with as 
the partition that has the problems, e.g.

fs2chk /dev/hda3

If that is not the command, it could be ext2chk. I am not at my own pc now, so I can't
look it up.

> I really hate the idea of doing a fresh install and lose all my data.

I understand. You can however move the data to a partition that has no errors, and 
the install select not to format that partition.

> Can anyone help?

I hope this helps.

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