Hi all,
I just installed 8.0 on a die-hard windows user's machine, and it didn't make 
a very good show.  This machine has the same voodoo card as in one of mine 
(voodoo3 2000), and tho mine's 3d performance is lacking, his is 
non-existant.  The installer installed XFree86-3.3.6 by default without 
asking (tho in expert mode), so after boot I found out why.  I went into 
display to set it up, I was finally given the choice of 4.0.3, but not 'with 
acceration'.  I chose 4.0.3 anyway, and then it wouldn't boot into X.  
Without gaming support, we're gonna lose him.

Also, I finally know what some people are saying about poor performance.  8.0 
runs good my three intel machines, but his amd k-2 450 is sad - most of the 
time.  I did  the hdparm thing and raised that performance a little, however 
this kapm-idle thing in top is showing over 50% of the cpu being used up by 
something, when nothing extraneous is open or running.  Made sure no servers 
or unnecessary processes were running (as I always do).  Sometimes it goes 
back down to 0% like mine always show, but most of the time something is 
going on.  

Any advise/info would as always be appreciated.


As said, its has an  amdk-2 450 with 192Mb100m ram, 256 swap, seagate 5200rpm 
17gig hdd with 4 given to LM, voodoo3 2000, onboard sound (that comes and 
goes, sis on-board video (that's supposed to be disabled, yet shows up - but 
is not configured).  Phillips something cdburner.  Nothing special about 
install - not recompiled.

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