Title: RE: [newbie] Kmail

It is hard to imagine that requesting an smtp server AND a user name is all that hard to do and has been neglected through so many revisions of kmail.

There is so much functionality in the rest of kmail to be made so useless by this small feature.  Netscape mail allows the input of a smtp server name/address AND a user name.

Go figure.

Jon H

-----Original Message-----
From: Kelley Terry [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2001 10:54 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Kmail

You're absolutely right.  My isp (Sisna) switched to smtp authentication
and I looked for alternatives.  I like mozilla best and am using it to
send this email.  I wrote one of the maintainers of kmail and asked
about future plans for smtp authentication and he said "Maybe it will be
in KDE 2.2".

Dave Sherman wrote:

> Perhaps someone will correct me on this, but I believe SMTP-Authentication
> is *not* supported in kmail. Your mail server will need to be set up to
> relay for you -- this is (generally) highly insecure, and makes it easy to
> spam (even with other safeguards in place, such as using a RBL server, or
> only relaying for specific networks), but many ISP's still do it this way.
> Dave
> On Tuesday 29 May 2001 09:22, thus spake Himebaugh, Jon, CON, OASD(HA)/TMA:
>>In the setup of Kmail for receiving email I can choose sendmail or smtp.
>>When I select smtp I find no way to identify my smtp user.
>>If I cannot setup kmail to identify it self how can I send email?
>>Jon H

"It said uses Windows 95 or better, so I loaded Linux!"
"In a world without walls and fences, who needs windows and gates?"
Kelley Terry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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