On Tuesday 05 June 2001 23:50, s wrote:
> Hi all,
> I know it's a long shot anyone being able to help on such a project with so
> many variables, but I need to try...
> I'm trying to configure it, but it just won't work.  I bascally followed
> the plan layed out at:
> http://www.linuxnewbie.org/nhf/intel/network/samba/samba1.html
> with a little:
> http://us1.samba.org/samba/docs/Samba-HOWTO-Collection.html#AEN209 on the
> side.
> However it's a no-go.  Anyone seen errors like:  error connecting to
> (connection refused) when testing with   smbclient -L
> localhost ?  I have tripled checked the all files and such and just can't
> eyeball the problem.  I reconfigured firewall using BastilleInteractive and
> tried to leave ports 137 & 139 open to internal interfaces.  So if course
> none of the computers knows too much about the others existance, other than
> returned ping packets.
> I hate to lay out all the boring gory details right off the bat.  If this
> rings any bells to anyone and need more info, I'll gladly post it.  I would
> appreciate your help on this.
> As always,
> TIA,
> -s

Take down the firewall

Implement Samba

Bring up the firewall, step by step, which is particularly easy to do with 

You are not going anywhere wuth so many variables to juggle, and it looks 
like a firewalling problem.


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