thats my problem,too. i configured bastille a few times now, and with
allow=icmp and allow 139 and so on, the netbios ports still are closed on
my internal trusted nic. i just cant get bastille to leave everything
opened on it. also on the external nic everything is closed, although i
told bastille to let the icmps open,..

On Wed, 6 Jun 2001, Civileme wrote:

> On Tuesday 05 June 2001 23:50, s wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > I know it's a long shot anyone being able to help on such a project with so
> > many variables, but I need to try...
> >
> > I'm trying to configure it, but it just won't work.  I bascally followed
> > the plan layed out at:
> >
> > with a little:
> > on the
> > side.
> >
> > However it's a no-go.  Anyone seen errors like:  error connecting to
> > (connection refused) when testing with   smbclient -L
> > localhost ?  I have tripled checked the all files and such and just can't
> > eyeball the problem.  I reconfigured firewall using BastilleInteractive and
> > tried to leave ports 137 & 139 open to internal interfaces.  So if course
> > none of the computers knows too much about the others existance, other than
> > returned ping packets.
> >
> > I hate to lay out all the boring gory details right off the bat.  If this
> > rings any bells to anyone and need more info, I'll gladly post it.  I would
> > appreciate your help on this.
> >
> > As always,
> > TIA,
> > -s
> Take down the firewall
> Implement Samba
> Bring up the firewall, step by step, which is particularly easy to do with 
> Bastille.
> You are not going anywhere wuth so many variables to juggle, and it looks 
> like a firewalling problem.
> Civileme

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