On Thursday, Jun 14, 2001, Leif Madsen wrote:

> I just installed Bastille, and everything seems to be good, except for this 
> message:
> "Message from my_log_on_name@local_machine on <no tty> at 21:03 ...  
> SECURITY ALERT: TMPDIR problem on host 'local_machine': The TMPDIR defense 
> script is no longer protecting TMPDIR on 'local_machine'. This is alright 
> if you are logging out of 'local_machine', otherwise you should restart the 
> defense script or log out and log back in.  
> EOF"
> Which loads anytime I go into a terminal window and exit out of it.  How to 
> fix this?

Sounds like you're changing the TMPDIR environment variable to something
else other than ~/tmp.  The script /etc/profile.d/tmpdir.sh (or .csh if
you're using csh) is what sets TMPDIR.  I seem to remember an option if
you run InteractiveBastille where you can change that.  But be warned,
it's very detailed. =)

> The other thing is that when I shut down (reboot) Linux, then xinetd does 
> not shut down properly.  It is fine on boot up and loads and runs fine, but 
> on reboot refuses to shutdown (big red X!)  I can give you more information 
> if I knew where the boot/reboot/shutdown logs were located.

For xinetd, its logs are in /var/log/daemons/.  Look in the files errors,
warnings, and info.  For future reference, /var/log/syslog is the log of
everything in your system... but if you look around in /var/log, you'll
see that some things also log their activities in more specific
subdirectories.  Makes things easier to find that way.

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