I just installed Bastille, and everything seems to be good, except for this 

"Message from my_log_on_name@local_machine on <no tty> at 21:03 ...  
SECURITY ALERT: TMPDIR problem on host 'local_machine': The TMPDIR defense 
script is no longer protecting TMPDIR on 'local_machine'. This is alright 
if you are logging out of 'local_machine', otherwise you should restart the 
defense script or log out and log back in.  

Which loads anytime I go into a terminal window and exit out of it.  How to 
fix this?

The other thing is that when I shut down (reboot) Linux, then xinetd does 
not shut down properly.  It is fine on boot up and loads and runs fine, but 
on reboot refuses to shutdown (big red X!)  I can give you more information 
if I knew where the boot/reboot/shutdown logs were located.


Leif Madsen
'There are two possibilities. 
Maybe we're alone. 
Maybe we're not. 
Both are equally frightening.'

[Attributed to either
Bertrand Russell or Isaac Asimov]

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