On Tuesday 19 June 2001 09:06, s wrote:
> Well, it should do it by default unless you specify otherwise.  What
> command are you using to start it?  ./setiathome    is the basic command
> you need. Use -nice 19 to make it play nice when you use another app that
> requires your resources.   One needs to use -stop_after_process  to get it
> to not send back the info until you restart it (used for dial up access I
> suppose).  So I'm not sure why yours isn't exhibiting the default behavior
> without your having input instructions not to.
> What command are you using?  What version are you using?

I suspect what he wants is for seti to make a dialup connection, send and 
receive its stuff, then hang up the phone. Which in windows is a system-wide 
setting for all internet apps and is in fact set up somewhere in the MSIE 
defaults. I imagine this could be scripted in LInux

Disclaimer: If you live anywhere (as in most of the world) where local calls 
are metered and billed, this is an extraorinarily bad idea.

Michel Clasquin, D Litt et Phil (Unisa)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]/unisa.ac.za   http://www.geocities.com/clasqm
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