> I suspect what he wants is for seti to make a dialup connection, send and 
> receive its stuff, then hang up the phone. Which in windows is a system-wide 
> setting for all internet apps and is in fact set up somewhere in the MSIE 
> defaults. I imagine this could be scripted in LInux
> Disclaimer: If you live anywhere (as in most of the world) where local calls 
> are metered and billed, this is an extraorinarily bad idea.

Or go to www.linuxapps.com and look for multiseti.pl
That's a nice Perl script that allows you to download upto 10 WU's, process
them, and then you can upload the results in one stroke, after which upto 10
new WU's can be downloaded and processed.
Works wonderful for me. (Holland has local phone charges too, you know.)

If you can't find multiseti, let me know and I can mail it to who wants it.


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