no, it is not a rant: I would appreciate help on this one.

I newly installed Mandrake 8.0 on a new machine which does not include 
windows (yet), so this time one cannot blame microsoft (damn!). 

Linux, or maybe more precisely xwindows/KDE has crashed on me several times 
already and that puzzled me. I had to make a hard shut down which of course 
I'd like to avoid (I wouldn't want to have to reinstall everything again).

the situation is like this: I run one application when I suddenly notice that 
in the background the whole desktop disappears, meaning the desktop icons, 
the control panes and even the window's frame (with the resize buttons) which 
I guess is controled by KDE/xwindows. 

I can then carry on using the application I was using but of course can no 
longer resize, move, minimize the window. I can quit the application using 
the pull down menu. If I do, I can then close other windows/ applications 
that were open in the background. The application that were running but whose 
windows were minimized are of course no longer accessible. 
Once I close everything, I am left with a clear background with absolutely 
nothing on it. 

There is no key stroke that I found that could bring up any dialog box or at 
least allow me to shut down properly. crt+alt+dek doesn't help either. 
At that point the only solution is to make a hard shut down. On startup the 
kernel of course complains that devices were not properly unmounted. 
I get a series of messages saying things like:
i-blocks is 64, should be 8. FIXED.

So I guess it's a problem with the windows environement. I thought linux was 
more stable than windows.

I now have three questions:
1- how do I manage to shut down properly, should that happen again?
2- what can I do to help diagnostic what is the source of the problem?
3- and of course, how can I fix the problem?

It happened several times already and each time I was running KMail and 
Netscape at least. (only that plus a small game last time it happened). I 
guess netscape could be involved in the problem (I didn't open it so that I 
could write this email). It was already pretty shitty under windows, made it 
crashed. I thought such a thing couldn't happen under Linux. Still, I may be 
wrong about netscape because the funny thing is that I could carry on using 
it after the desktop crashed. 

What do I do now?
Is someone able to help me?

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