> I now have three questions:

> 1- how do I manage to shut down properly, should that happen again?

I'm not sure what ctrl-alt-dek is, but the command should be 

> 2- what can I do to help diagnostic what is the source of the problem?

You could try booting from the boot floppy you made during the install and 
see if that helps.

> 3- and of course, how can I fix the problem?

What install did you use?  recommended, custom, or expert?  

> It happened several times already and each time I was running KMail and
> Netscape at least. (only that plus a small game last time it happened). I
> guess netscape could be involved in the problem (I didn't open it so that I
> could write this email). It was already pretty shitty under windows, made
> it crashed. I thought such a thing couldn't happen under Linux. Still, I
> may be wrong about netscape because the funny thing is that I could carry
> on using it after the desktop crashed.
> What do I do now?
> Is someone able to help me?

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