It was Sat, 30 Jun 2001 21:07:14 -0400 when [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>1. I was asked during installation something like 1) remove windows 2) use
>the current windows partition 3) create a new partition.  I want to keep
>windows, so option 1 is out.   What is the difference between option 2 and

2 will try to downsize the windows partition so there is space for Linux. I
don't like options like that because they do nasty things to the partition
3 looks for any remaining space on the drive that is not claimed by another OS
and will use that space.

>2. I choose to use the current windows partition and it installed all but
>the 3 minutes remaining and froze.

Since you can mail, you can probably boot Winders. Find something like
partition magic or so to resize the winders partition. That way you have space
available for Linux. If you cannot find partition magic or can't afford it,
you may consider reinstalling winders and leaving space available.


Major premise: Sixty men can do sixty times as much work as one man.
Minor premise: A man can dig a posthole in sixty seconds.
Conclusion: Sixty men can dig a posthole in one second.
-Ambrose Bierce, "The Devil's Dictionary" - Registered Linux User 174403
       Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.4.99
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