Jason Guidry wrote:
> Yes, very funny.  I hadn't thought to specify, but actually recommendations
> on both would be nice.  Looking at some sample exams I think I could be
> COMPTIA A+ certified in a couple months, so that would be where I want to
> start.
> I just wanted to find a platform neutral book instead of buying the study
> pack from Microsoft Publications.  I already know far too much about Win
> 3.1, 95, 98, ME, m-o-u-s-e...
> Linux networking is the next step.  I will check out your (chris')
> recommendation, most appreciated.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chris Keelan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Sunday, July 01, 2001 5:25 PM
> To: Jason Guidry
> Subject: Re: [newbie] Gettin' certified
> On Sunday 01 July 2001 15:35, you wrote:
> > I know that no one on this list has any problems sharing opinions...
> >
> > So I wanted to know if anyone had an opinion on a good A+ cert book,
> > hopefully leading to *nix networking (ie not MCSE).
> >
> > Or maybe a website that's not looking to suck down a month's worth of my
> > meager rural texas teacher salary?
> >
> > Thanks in advance.
> I'm not sure if you're going for COMPTIA's A+ Certification or you mean A+
> as
> in "doubleplusgood".
> If you mean the former, sorry, can't help you. If you mean the latter, then
> read Linux Network Administrator's Guide. There's a mirror at:
> http://www.uni-tuebingen.de/zdv/projekte/linux/books/nag/nag.html
> It begins with basic TCP/IP and Ethernet networks and goes on to cover lots
> of stuff including, NFS and SAMBA.
> - C
I am A+ certified from COMPTIA the only problem with it is that the exam
is proprietary all the hardware is intell stuff or made for intell and
all the software test covers is microsdicks stuff they were going to add
linux to the test but billy steped in as microsoft is the largest
supporter of comptia they cancelled adding linux to the A+ and came out
with a seperate test that cost $800.00.  But in answer to your question
about a good book I used the EXAM CRAM books they were very good in the
lessons and covering the test questions.  But it is all microdick stuff,
thats all the A+ is.
Registared linux user: #218333

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