On Friday 22 June 2001 16:08, Jeffrey M. Reed wrote:
> http://www.winehq.com/
> read it...love it...learn it...
> i would LOVE to help all you guys figure this out but
> everyone's problems are going to be different. you all have
> different PC's and different setups.

Dear Jeffrey,
I am ready to begin installing and running Wine. You are the only one that I 
have seen on this list who has been able to run MSOffice or Photoshop, etc, 
with Wine. Could you explain how you did it for your system? I am curious. I 
have LM8 and I want to install Wine but is the one supplied in the distro the 
latest and best or is there a better one elsewhere? 

 How long did it take you to get it to work for you the way you wanted? 
Thanks for your input.

Sincerely, Marcia

> as far as WINE and similar proggies are concerned...the
> only thing i can really suggest is that you learn how to
> build/install using tarballs and compile your kernels like
> good girls and boys!
> good luck and don't get frustrated! i've been using linux
> and bsd type stuff for all of a year now and i'm STILL
> learning a lot!

Marcia Waller

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