On Saturday 14 July 2001 02:25, L.V.Gandhi wrote:
> Thank you very much. I asw in top that kapm-idled uses nearly 50 to 60 % of
> CPU. How to disable it.  in gkrellm I don't have anything for cpu temp. How
> to know whether mb supports lm_sensors? I have kobian 815e mb.

kapm-idled is a count of idle cycles, not really a process.  Next version of 
top will not show it.  

If you want anything from lm_sensors you must install lm_utils which are not 
installed by default.  KDE and GNOME approaches to using lm_sensors are 
defanged as well because lm_sensors can simply toast the motherboards of some 


> On July 13, 2001 10:24 pm, Tom Brinkman wrote:
> >     Situations like this are also a good example of why, if your
> > motherboard supports it, everybody should enable lm_sensors and an
> > appropriate FE for it to display cpu temp. I use Gkrellm. Often the
> > first warning you'll get that a process or app has gone wild is a rise
> > to the max in cpu temp. 'Course weaker systems will just freeze or
> > randomly reboot if a wild process is left unattended to. If monitoring
> > isn't feasible, the next best thing is to run 'top' with the <Shift+P>
> > option to display which proccesses are using the most % of cpu.

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