not to mention this list is read world wide and not everyone pay for the 
access by the month, some folks still pay a per min connect time and per min 
phone bill.

On Monday 16 July 2001 12:43, Van Winssen & Ramaakers wrote:
> Tazmun,
> HTML in e-mail  doubles the size of an e-mail very often .
> Just imagine how many people are subscribed to this list, and this is A big
> one.
> And one e-mail is copied just as many times , and all this extra data
> nobody needs.
> That what we call spoiled bandwith, no matter what kind of internet
> connection someone has.
> And this is only one mailinglist. Just imagine how many mailinglists are
> active worldwide!
> All those billions of e-mails generated with the extra HTML crap nobody
> needs! Now _that's_ why everybody complains the www is so slow
> And off course attachments, and reply's with fully quoted mails...
> I've seen reply's that said only "I agree!" with 5 full former e-mails
> quoted below! That's spoiled bandwith too, specially on big mailinglists.
> I subribed on 2 other moderated mailinglists where you will be kicked off
> when you 1- HTMLize, 2- Fully quote 3- send attachments.
> These are nice clean lean mailinglists.
> I blame Microsoft for slowing down www because they ship Outlook (Express)
> with HTML switched on by default.
> Anybody knows how many e-mails are written with Outlook every day with HTML
> switched on?
> That's my 2 cents,
> Gerard
> p.s. This is only the size aspect of HTMLized e-mails!

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