Well look at it this way.

How much of a tax write off do you think there is for giving way Windows9x?
About 2% of what they would gain if the OS was bought legally.  

Even then, we all know that Microsoft has used very aggressive tactics with
dealing with competition.  So going after a few lowly charities, making them
pay out the noise wit legal fees shows the rest of the competitors that they
mean business.  That if you step to the plate you'll get done up as well.

Microsoft has never been about helping the public.  They've always been about
helping themselves.  I mean they've stolen technology from other companies
from day one.  Why suddenly work for their billions?

T. Holmes
"Real Men Us Vi!"

  7:20am  up 12:03,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
| Well, if your point was that it would be a good tax wrtie-off, I agree. It 
| just amazes me that Bill et al can't see an opportunity even when it's being 
| stuck in their faces. Were these people born stupid, greedy, and arrogant, or 
| what? I think this whole issue clearly demonstrates how heartless Redmond can 
| truly be! 
| Maybe it's a petty attempt to get back at the world for something? I'm a firm 
| believer in common sense. That's one of the reasons I like Linux. It just 
| makes sense. And Microsoft stopped making sense a long time ago.
| What's next? Can these heartless pukes possibly screw up any more? 
| Dan LaBine

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