
> Well, I can't for life of me figure out why the MPlayer tar ball is not
> configuring. Has any one else been succesful in configuring, make and
> make install MPlayer in LM8?

I had a couple of problems, which I fixed, and then it configured and 
installed great.

Say more about "is not configuring". The more descriptive you can be about 
your problem, the better a solution people can offer (and if your initial 
email is descriptive enough, we can usually skip this whole "it worked for me 
say more about" email entirely).

Two unusual things I had to do:

./configure --no-gcc-checking (I think! Read './configure --help' and see 
what it says about gcc version checking!)
install "nasm" from RPM (at rpmfind or, I'm told, on the CDs)

So I'm guessing you haven't done one or the other of those things.


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