Dan Ray wrote:
> Roman--
> > Well, I can't for life of me figure out why the MPlayer tar ball is not
> > configuring. Has any one else been succesful in configuring, make and
> > make install MPlayer in LM8?
> I had a couple of problems, which I fixed, and then it configured and
> installed great.
> Say more about "is not configuring". The more descriptive you can be about
> your problem, the better a solution people can offer (and if your initial
> email is descriptive enough, we can usually skip this whole "it worked for me
> say more about" email entirely).
> Two unusual things I had to do:
> ./configure --no-gcc-checking (I think! Read './configure --help' and see
> what it says about gcc version checking!)
> install "nasm" from RPM (at rpmfind or, I'm told, on the CDs)
> So I'm guessing you haven't done one or the other of those things.
> --Dan

I think I missed ./configure --no-gcc-checking and nasm. I'll get back
with additional information about my status.

Registered Linux User #179293
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