On Saturday 28 July 2001 09:03, Franki wrote:
> Hi everyone
> someone asked about recient samba compiled for mandrake 7.2
> well I found 2.2.0, which is fairly new...

> I just rediscovered Gimp, boy has it gotten better since RH4.x days,,,  and
> I also just discovered ICEWM  how good is that thing, looks excellent, fast
> as,,,,,,,, and small memory footprint.... (if you want to get an idea of
> what windows suXP looks like, try the 'ultracute' theme... very impressive.

Try xfce, too.  It can run with the Gnome panel (xfce is on the mdk disk, but 
not installed by default).  It's small and quick--and imo, easier to 
configure than ICE (but that's just my perspective).

> For the first time ever I am running linux in graphical mode only,, gotta
> admit, its not that bad... the fonts still suck in netscape, but I am
> guessing 8 fixes that.. (one of these days I'll care enough to try and fix
> it..

Download the mozilla-font tarball. Don't have the url, sorry, but search for
 mozilla-fonts.tar.gz         No, mdk 8.0 didn't fix it.

Install it and set netscape to use it's fonts--you'll be pleasantly 
surprised.   Try the 'nix version of Opera, too--it's way quicker than either 
netscape or mozilla, and lots smaller. 
> Now my question.
> is there a good GUI config for sambe apart from linuxconf and webmin ???
> also, what happened to swat?
> I like to set things up the first time with a gui, and then look at the
> config files to work out what it did...

Can't help you there, I like to do things manually.  Swat works on my boxes, 
but I don't bother with it.


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