Hi All

My isp technocrat (the isp is linux/Unix driven) suggested that I am really 
wasting time and effort using postfix/fetchmail/etc on my stand-alone, at 
home m/c. I should connect directly. The overhead of 
postfix/sendmail/fetchmail is unnecessary and slows the system down. What is 
your opinion?

Hence I stopped trying to use fetchmail/postfix/procmail, etc. I tried 
setting them up but mail retrieval was slow. I could not get fetchmail to 
tell me how much mail I had on my isp's server, monitor download progress 
(mail received, balance to come) nor easily tell whether the line had just 
stalled (often happens, kppp indicates transmissions have stopped) or all the 
mail was downloaded - hence transmissions have stopped, not stalled. I am 
obviously doing something very wrong but I have not found the solution.

In addition I could not tell when my mail was sent or if it was sent. Again I 
presume I am not setting up the system correctly.

Which mail system should I use, kmail direct dial or if it is a 
postfix/fetchmail system is there a source of info that you can direct me to, 
a sample postfix main.cf file that can tell me how to set it up without 
confusing my brain too much. 

Alan Smith

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