Hi All
All this talk of viruses is getting to me.
Which virus programme do I need, if any at all. Here is my system:

My machine - stand alone mdk8.0, at home, dialup isp. Using kmail with direct 
pop connection to isp to retreive mail and direct smtp connection, in this 
case to <mail.metroweb.co.za> to send mail. The same system is used if I use 
Netscape. No virus programme is used. M$Win98 on hda, mdk8.0 on hdb.

# The anti virus programmes, it seems to me, are used in conjuction with 
fetchmail/postfix/sendmail/qmail/procmail/etc where the mail is intercepted 
before being received or sent. Am I right in this assumption?

# If I am wrong then what is the most efficient way to set up kmail or 
netscape direct dial system to incorporate virus protection for my linux sys 
and as a secondary consideration, my M$Win98 sys 

I do have Win98 on my first hd that I occasionally access via linux to 
retrieve files or archive mdk files. Sometimes I use Win98 directly. I do not 
access the internet form my M$Win98 drive (at the present). 

# Is it possible for a Win virus to migrate to the win98 hda when accessing 
it using a file manager assuming that I do not directly copy an email or 
attachment to the Win98 hd? 
# If I did want to copy the contents of an email to the M$win hd would it be 
okay if the contents where copied to a text file and the text file copied 
across for use in say Corel WP8, I do not use M$ Office at all, at all!
# Recently however I archived my kmail and netscape 'mail box' on the win98 
hda whilst I changed the file sys over to reisersFS - could a problem arise 
in a case like this?

Sorry for the verbosity but I sometimes think that I have all straightened up 
in my mind when one of the mails on the list says, "/var/spool/mail/ . . . , 
then I know that the list is talking about something else and not a direct 
connection to the Internet from the mail programme.

Thanks and regards
Alan Smith
PS just read about the SirCam virus - do I panic slowly?

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