I find this to be an interesting discussion.  The "media" tends to label Red
Hat as a "serious" and "corporate" linux; while mandrake is dubbed the
"baby" linux.  I guess I should know better than to trust what I hear on TV
and the like, but since trying both myself, I know this is a bit exagerated.

I find mandrake every bit as customizable and functional as red hat.  i am,
however, heavily biased towards mandrake since I tried Red Hat 7 first, on
which I could get not a damn thing (zip, printer, mounting other partitions)
to work, even when following the instructions in the official book.  Or the
fact that half the power tools won't run under 7 (i've heard this is a
problem with a broken glibc).  I know that it's fixable, but is that my job.

but every mandrake install i do, everything is detected and effortless.

not to mention that I've found their tech support to be impatient with
non-enormus-corporate-server problems.  just my exp.

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