CTRL-D will end it the continuation...

Steve Flynn
NOP Data Migration Ops Analyst
* 01603 687386

        -----Original Message-----
        From:   jennifer [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
        Sent:   Thursday, September 06, 2001 1:24 AM
        To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        Subject:        [newbie] simple command line question

        This happens to me all the time, but I am finnaly going to put the
        to you guys no matter how embarassing it is.

        When I'm using bash, I sometimes hit the ' (comma) key instead of
enter and 
        then get brought into a loop I can't get out of. I imagine this is
some sort 
        of feature that would allow you to enter extra long command
sequences but the 
        <enter> key does not activate the command, nor can I find anyway to
get out 
        of the loop.  (or shall i say in the loop because I don't have a
        <smiles>  All i get is the >  charactor no matter what monkey
business I try 
        with the key bored.

        With humble humilty, 

        Yahoo IM: jlynn2k
        #include <wisdom.h>
        void ignorance (it offers no value)
         << File: message.footer >> 

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