Hi folks,
A dual boot system. I was trying repair an earlier problem, and of course made it even worse. Now Lilo will not boot up. It gets to LI and just sits there blinking. How do I re-install Lilo so as to access the system again. I have tried booting into the boot cd and typing 'rescue', I can then get to a prompt. After looking at an article about basic Unix commands I used 'ls' to see my directories. Whoopee, I can see then 'til I'm blue in the face. I swear I am going to take a course in basic Linux commands after I get through this!
I did also try to reinstall the whole kit and kiboodle, but each time I try, it gets as far as installing packages and then just quits, with two minutes to go....! The activity lights on the cdrom drive and HD just die. I've tried waiting for ages! Nothing! I tried using the Plextor burner as a boot device and to load the OS from but with the same result.
Here are some tech details that may help.
Any help will be gratefully appreciated, as I'm kinda' dead in the water here. (Posting from the wifes machine here, sshhh...)
AMD Athlon 1Ghz
512 ram
Plextor CD Burner
LM 8.1

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