On Saturday 26 January 2002 10:27, you wrote:
> On Saturday 26 January 2002 09:53 am, Andre Dubuc wrote:
> > I've installed (in LM 8.0) all the appropriate Apache programs and
> > modules, and all the PHP related stuff. In the LinuxConf - Service
> > Control, I notice that apache is not listed, and both httpd and webmin
> > are running.
> >
> > What do I have to do to get a working "server" so that I can test any
> > code that I write in html/php? (Can I use my only computer as a
> > stand-alone server, and access it as a client? I assume that I should be
> > able to do something like that especially since freeciv sets up
> > server/client on my machine.)
> >
> > If someone could point me in the right direction, it would save me wading
> > through tons of documentation that assumes I have Apache up-and-running!
> > Help?
> Andre, I'm a newbie too, but I think this is one question I can answer! If
> you have httpd running, then Apache is running. By default it installs the
> web documents in the directory /var/www/html. There is also
> /var/www/cgi-bin where all the scripts can go.
> You can access your web stuff by typing http://localhost in your browser.
> If you know your IP address, you can type that in as well. You should get a
> page telling about the version of Apache that you are running. That's just
> to let you know that the server is running.
> To avoid having to be root to add/change to your web directory, you have to
> add yourself to the group Apache. This can be done using UserDrake. Then,
> you should give the group write access to /var/www. Do this by typing
> "chmod g+w /var/www". That gives the group write permissions to the
> directory. You may have to log out and back in for that to take effect, I'm
> not sure. Then you should be able to edit and write new stuff in your
> /var/www/html directory.
> If your users want to have web pages, they have to create a directory in
> their home directory called "public_html". That's where they put all their
> web stuff. Then the user has to issue the command "chmod 755 ~USERNAME".
> Then the user's directory can be reached by "http://yourip/~username";.
> HTH,
> Todd

Hi Todd,

I've been struggling with the PHP module trying to get it to work. I've 
followed your instructions, but the Apache module doesn't seem to recognize 
PHP. I ran the test.php ("<? phpinfo() ; ?>) and I just see the text as it is 
written here.

In the docs, they mention that I should ad "AddType application/x-http-php 
.php" in the http.conf. I'm not exactly sure where I should add this: I've 
placed it after the "include" statement in the "Global Configuration". 
Problem is: in the Mime.types it doesn't show up. I can't get the "AddType" 
to work, so of course, PHP is non-functional in any test.

I've d/l the newest stable version of PHP, followed all the instructions 
(with/without, in various combinations, the following: Mysql, Postgresql, 
Apache. PHP) I've tried the bare-bones approach: only Apache and PHP - 
installing PHP 1st, then Apache first from LM8.0.  Nothing seems to work. I 
do get the Apache splash screen. I've loaded Webmin, and then removed it with 
little effect. (I've followed PHP instructions --with-mysql=/path. ...)

This is becoming an obsession -- almost like my attempts with HylaFax!

If you have any ideas on how to get PHP up-and-running, I'd greatly 
appreciate your assistance. I can't develop my new web-site until I get PHP 

Perhaps you could send me a copy of your (working) httpd.conf and php.ini 
files so I could maybe see what I've messed up. (Btw, in my last LM8.0 
install of PHP, I couldn't find php.ini anywhere.

Sorry to be so long-winded, but this is . . .  sigh!


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