Eric McClure wrote:
> On Thu, 7 Feb 2002, Hanan Z. Shargi wrote:
> Same here Charles, i think the command to remove the old kernel is rpm -e
> kernel.whatever.rpm and do a lilo #
> thanks,
> eric l. mcclure
> > >If you need
> > >additional help in this area I will tell you how I did it. It is very
> > >easy to do. Also if you want to compile a kernel, I will explain how I
> > >recompiled kernel-2.4.17-14mdk. I did not gain anything much by
> > >recompiling it except knowledge. Let me know if you would like
> > >additional help. HTH
> > >Charles
> >
> >
> > Charles,
> >
> > I dont know if Damian needs help explaining how to upgrade the kernel, but
> > some others DO ():-)
> > So, please go ahead and explain, it sure would us "gain some knowledge too" .
> >
> > Regards.
> >
> > Hana
> >
> >
> >
>   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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DO NOT remove the old kernel. Save it for a backup. You can have as many
kernels as you want (kernels with the same name (release #) require a
little more 'white magic'). They will not interfere with each other. By
the way, I am no expert on linux, but I have found all this on the
internet, and it works. It is very simple and VERY safe.

BEFORE you start updating the kernel do the following (if you use lilo):
  edit /etc/lilo.config and add a new image entry- such as
    image=/boot/vmlinuz-2.4.8-10mdk     (or whatever your old kernel is
         root=/boot/hda5                 (or where ever your root
partition is)
         add the rest of the parameters that is in the image entry for
  save lilo.config then exit your editor.
  execute lilo (In a terminal window (as root) type lilo)

Reboot your computer and test the new entry by selecting 'vmlinuz.old'
at the boot screen.
Now when you install a new kernel, if it does not work you can boot the
old kernel.

Download the new kernel rpms (maybe from a cooker mirror site). This is
beta code. 
    I think the rest of the rpms are needed only if you want to compile
something (kernel) or for               debugging. But the doc and
header rpms are not very large. It maybe a good idea to get them while
you       can. 
  kernel-doc-2.4.17-14mdk...    If you want them.
  kernel-headers-2.4.17-23mdk... If you want them
  kernel-2.4.17-13mdk...        If you need want to recompile the
kernel. I do not know why the difference 
                                between 2.4.17-14 and 2.4.17-13)
  I have read we need new initscripts, But I could not install them
because of dependiences problems. My      system works without them???
  DO NOT forget to download a new iptable rpm if you are using iptables.

Put the new rpms in a separate directory. In a terminal window (as root)
cd to this new directory. Enter the following command:
 rpm -ivh kernel-2.4.17-14mdh-1-1mdk.i586.rpm

Check lilo.config. It should point to the new kernel.

Reboot you computer. The new kernel should boot. If you have problems
booting the new kernel, reboot using the old kernel.

Do a google search 'Mandrake kernel update'. There are lots of info
about this out there.

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