
Yes, it has to be a permissions issue.  Here's one thing that has gotten me
in the past.  Make sure that the directory (and ones above it) for
grafitti.dat have the same permissions and are owned and grouped exactly as
grafitti.dat is.  Try that and let me know what happens.  Also, check your
Apache error_log for error messages and they might help you pinpoint the

As for your original question, nobody is just an ordinary user like any
other.  The only thing is that the nobody account is disabled so that
nobody can log in in the normal way.  The purpose of having such an
account is to limit the power of processes that run as this user and to
partition them off to some extent from other users although there seems
to be something of a trend nowadays to run various services as their own
separate users (eg, in Debian: www-data for Apache, proxy for squid, et

If you want to know why 'nobody' is not singled out as a specially
restricted user then I can only give you my explanation and I don't know
how authoritative that is.  Firstly the Unix model says there are two
types of users: superusers (uid=0) and ordinary users (uid!=0).  Many
would argue that this approach is the reason Unix security is such a
problem so the question of whether introducing a new users with varying
privileges would actually help or not would need to be considered
carefully.  Perhaps the main reason why it hasn't been done so far is
that there is little need.  If you and I both have an account on the
system, can I delete your files?  Hopefully not -- unless you have
specifically given a group I am in this privilege (or, heaven forbid,
the dreaded 'other').  If you have private files then hopefully you have
set the permissions/umask appropriately hence I can't read these
either.  Consequently, we are both unprivileged users and only ourselves
(or, more correctly, processes with our uid) can do any damage to our
files (unless permission is granted otherwise).  Hence use of the nobody
limits the damage that can be done to 'nobody': a user who owns
virtually nothing and can only access (read/write) files to which r/w
permission has been granted to "other" -- how more unprivileged could
this be?  (Perhaps rlimits could be permanently enforced but in some
ways perhaps this is the responsiblity of the application process, not
the user id it runs as.)  As I said, this is just my opinion and someone
else can probably provide a better answer. :)

Hope this helps,
----- Original Message -----
From: "Andre Dubuc" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, February 09, 2002 2:14 PM
Subject: [newbie] Permissions: Nobody in Apache + PHP

> Finally, I have working copies of Apache 1.3.22 and PHP 4.1.1 on my LM8.0
> box. Apache has been set up with "nobody' permissions, and I write test
> scripts as root and place them in /home/web/apache/htdocs.
> I can read scripts from this directory, but I've tried to use:
> . . . excerpt . . .
>  $filename = "/tmp/graffiti.dat";
>  $handle = fopen ($filename, "a+");
>  fputs ($handle, $graffiti); [I've also tried fwrite]
>  fclose($handle);
> . . .  followed by a form that takes $graffiti as input . . . and then a
> script that displays the contents of the appended $filename . . .
> And no matter what I try, nothing is written to "graffiti.dat" -- I've
> checked that it is writeable. Somehow, I think it's related to permissions
> and the group "nobody". I've written the script as root, and another as
> Neither works. Apache (temporarily) is run at root -- I'm just learning
> Apache and PHP -- this is a developmental setup, not connected to the
> If there are any gurus that can help me, I'd appreciate it. Permissions
> set otherwise to 755.
> I'm obviously not clear on the concept of "nobody" and how it affects
> of scripts. Who cn arun these, if it's set to "nobody"?
> Tia,
> Andre
> --
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