> Burrows, Scott wrote:
> > My system starts up in GNOME.  I pressed <CTRL><ALT><F1> and it took
> > me to a command prompt out of GNOME.  This is OK and expected
> but..........
> >
> > How do I get back to GNOME from there?
you can also do it with <alt><left_or_right_arrow_key> till you get
your X windows back.

> > How is this different then simply clicking the "Open Terminal" icon in
> > GNOME?

well if you want a good and proper console, than that <ctrl><alt><F2>
would be the way to go i guess. but it is much more convenient to open
an xterm from within x-windows. if you find the fonts to small play
around with the options a bit. i have finally settled on the foll
xterm -rv -fn 10x20 -geometry 100x37
the -rv option gives white text on a black background
-fn 10x20 gives me a comfortable font size
-geometry 100x37 gives me an almost full screen terminal.

you may need to change the -geometry numbers according to your screen
size. the above options work even with rxvt, which is another terminal
emulator but uses less ram.

Thank You,

 "The software said 'runs on Win95 or better,' so I installed it on

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