I just had a run in with the nvidia driver installation last night on mandrake 8.2  Although I thought I was following the directions right I wasn't. I was in X and I shouldn't have been when doing the compile. When I booted to the console only logon as root and did my thang' it worked fine after all the steps were completed. Although I will have to say when I try and run quake3 as a user right from the KDE desktop file manager it just messes up my resolution to a "magnified" appearance. I run it as root from the console it'll be open quake3 properly but then it
can't open  /dev/dsp ...  my sound card is an aureal vortex 2 i installed the drivers vis cvs and tested the configuration through harddrake.  Why doesn't the installation of drivers for any particular hardware work unilateraly from user to user on the same system. If I have to install it as root and only root then wouldn't you think it should apply for that computer system regardless of whomever is to log on?

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