Another option is to become a Mandrake Club member, and then
download the RPM. In fact you can get the RPM for J2RE 1.4.0.


On Fri, 26 Apr 2002 18:15:21 -0700
shane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Friday 26 April 2002 17:04, Bill Winegarden opened a general hailing 
> frequency and transmitted to all open stations:
> > Hi,
> >     I know this has been covered before but the archives are hard to search
> > for this one. I have downloaded j2re-1_3_1_03-linux-i386.bin and
> > extracted all the files in a /home/~me/java directory.
> >     My questions are: what are the required files for java to work and where
> > do I have to move them? My main web browser is Galeon but I wouild like
> > to link java to Mozilla and Konq as well.
> might get you started.  i 
> do believe that once it works in moz, it will in galeon, but i don't use 
> galeon so don't quote me on that.
> me, i just copied the files from sun into file:/usr/lib/netscape/plugins if 
> i recall correctly.  but i often don't.  :-)
> -- 
> A fool and his money are soon using Windows.
> shane
> Profile at:
> Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
> Mandrake Users Club Member
> Registered linux user #101606 @

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