On Saturday 27 April 2002 11:59 am, Bill Davidson wrote:
> On Friday 26 April 2002 09:15 pm, shane wrote:
> > On Friday 26 April 2002 17:04, Bill Winegarden opened a general hailing
> >
> > frequency and transmitted to all open stations:
> > > Hi,
> > >   I know this has been covered before but the archives are hard to
> > > search for this one. I have downloaded j2re-1_3_1_03-linux-i386.bin
> > > and extracted all the files in a /home/~me/java directory.
> > >   My questions are: what are the required files for java to work and
> > > where do I have to move them? My main web browser is Galeon but I
> > > wouild like to link java to Mozilla and Konq as well.
> >
> > http://www.mandrakeuser.org/docs/utils/ujava.html might get you started.
> >  i do believe that once it works in moz, it will in galeon, but i don't
> > use galeon so don't quote me on that.
> Yes that is correct. You get plugins to work in mozilla and they will work
> in galeon.
> What I did was download the rpm. It comes with an extention '.rpm.bin'.
> You run it like './jre-whatever.rpm.bin' and it extracts to an rpm. Then
> you can install it. It put all the plugins where I needed them and I
> didn't have to do anything manually.

Bill, Where did you get the RPM?

Gerald Waugh : Registered Linux user # 255245
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