On Friday 17 May 2002 12:16 am, Bryan Whitehead wrote:
> I'd recommend against "showing off linux" unless you really know how
> todo all this yourself. You may end up just giving everyone a bitter
> taste in their mouth about linux if everything doesn't work right off
> the bat. When introducing something new, it needs to be obviously
> better, not just "working" after many days of tweeking.
I will second that ! - I certainly do remember my 8.2 install-feast :

Being on linux for about 3 years and Mandrake from 7.0 --> 8.1 without any 
serious troubles I ordered the 8.2 "power-pack"  and invited some friends of 
mine (who knows only a certain OS) to watch a 
"full-blown-cutting-edge-up-to-date-sciddlelidoo" - install of linux.

Well, the beers were cold, the friends seated comfortably. I powered on the 
good old PC and injected the first, very fresh CD. Hisses and noises. Then, 
the usual : "in second stage install.".  .....   Fine !

Another round of beers.  Everything seemed to go as usual, until :
"select packages to install" ( or something similar). - No packages !

Well, - after another try with no more luck - I resorted to show-off 8.1.
Succes ! 

Morale :  Don't take it for granted that a new version is "better". In my 
case it was a lot worse : the need to download "patches" for installation on 
K-6 processors (how do you do that from a defunct PC ???).

Endless troubles with "supermount" ( you can't play  audioCD's anymore, can't 
format a floppy, can't use the "locate"-command) , etc..... etc.....

As the man says : " If it isn't broke, don't fix it !" 

Kaj Haulrich

> Tommy Eaton wrote:
> > Hi, one of our computers recently came with XP HOME installed... useless
> > on our network... So, I figure this is a good opportunity to show off
> > some Linux.  Problem is I have no idea where to start.  I would simply
> > be installing it on one workstation so this is a fairly small (?)
> > project.  I will need the workstation to be able to access windows
> > shares from an NT 40 server, work on Office docs, surf the web, run
> > proprietary software, and receive email from a Microsoft Post Office or
> > Exchange 5.5 server.  Is this possible? I figure OO or SO might work for
> > the Office apps, but I'm not sure beyond that...  Any help would be
> > appreciated!

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