Derek Jennings said onto me:  
 |On Tuesday 21 May 2002 12:30 pm, Dimitris Ioannou wrote:
 |> Hi Graham,
 |> Winds##t have to be installed first (if we're talking
 |> about the 9X series 95,98,ME) because they need to
 |> write the boot sector during installation, otherwise
 |> setup won't continue.Something that won't happen when
 |> you install XP or 2000 or NT4 even, I think. Now, in
 |> the case that someone has already installed Linux and
 |> needs to install Win98,or 95 or ME he will face the
 |> following situation. When his computer boots it will
 |> boot only in Winblows. To overcome this he should
 |> ,before installing Winblows,create a floppy-boot disk
 |> from Mandrake Control Center and keep it. After the
 |> installation of Windblows is finished he should boot
 |> from the floppy and then the Linux will boot
 |> normally.Then as root in a terminal should be typed
 |> /sbin/lilo. That's it. Everytime the computer boots
 |> the Lilo welcoming screen will appear asking the user
 |> whether he wishes to boot in Linux or in Winblows.
 |> Cheers
 |> Dimitris
 |With Mandrake 8.2 it is now a little easier to recover your boot config.
 |You no longer need a boot floppy. Just boot from CD1 and when you get the 
 |initial splash screen hit 'Esc' then at the prompt type 
 |You will be presented with a little menu, one item is to restore the Lilo 
 |boot config.
 |Thats it done...

Yes, this is an easier way.  But note, this will not append the windoze info.  That 
should be done manually (in lilo.conf) or via drakconf.  

David L. Steiner   Registered Linux User   #262493
Mandrake  8.2      Enlightenment  0.16.5   Sylpheed  0.7.5claws
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