thanks heaps, I'll give that a go...

I heard somewhere that djbdns has some sort of caching server as well, so I
might look into that too...

thanks again.



-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, 23 May 2002 5:03 AM
Subject: RE: FW: [newbie] setting up a dnscache.

hi !
i hope this can help you . it's a very simple simple cache that i used once
and it worked as far as i recall. you can download a file called root.hint
from the authoritive organisation in your country , mine is ,
and place it in /var/named/
1. install bind9
2. copy the secret from your /etc/rndc.conf an creat named.conf in /etc/
my named.conf is as following. note that should be replaced with
your real ip adress.


acl "my_net" {;} ;
key "rndc-key" {
        algorithm hmac-md5;
        secret "a_combination_of_letters_and_numbers_u find_in_rndc.conf";
options {
        directory "/etc/namedb";        //working directory
        pid-file "";           //put pid file in working dir
        allow-query { "my_net"; } ;
        } ;
        //root server hints
        zone "." { type hint; file "root.hint";} ;
        //provide a reverse mapping for the loopback adress
        zone "" {
        type master;
        file "db.";
        notify no;
        } ;

3. creat db. in /var/named/
edit db. to make it look like this

------------------------; db.127.0.0

$TTL 3h
@       IN  SOA localhost. root.localhost.  (
        2002040600      ;serial
        3h              ;refresh
        1h              ;retry
        1w              ;expire
        1h)             ;minimum

          IN  NS  localhost.
1         IN  PTR localhost.


4. in console type "service named start"
5. pray to god that i might be right for once


/Zeynal Bandari

"Franki" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Hi people,
>I am bumping this email back to the top in the hopes that someone address's
>I'd love some tips,,, is this a question for the expert list?
>(-: =================== The Question =================== :-)
>Hi guys,,
>I have a question.. the only slow thing about this new ADSL setup is the
>dnslookups, it takes about 4 or 5 seconds when I enter a link before it
>starts loading.. (resolving dns.)
>I know that its possible to setup a dnscache for the local network. but I
>not sure how to go about it.
>I ran the wizard for dns in the control center of 8.2 but I have no idea if
>its working..
>is it supposed to be bind??  if I do a: service named status
>I get this message:
>rndc: connect failed: connection refused
>and thats as root.
>Does anyone know what I am talking about??? or what I can do to speed up
>Also, is it worth setting up squid for the internal network? will it save
>on total bandwidth for the month? (I am on a limit..)
>any tips would be much appreciated.

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