we've all been at the beginning of my story... Sitting in the chair.. blank
look on your face then all of a sudden IT DOES IT AGAIN!!! ARGH.  that
annoying BSOD.  One day you decide yoiu've had enough.  that's it.  Where's
the number to the computer store to see if they have a Linux distro that'll
work with your machine.
     After about 3 weeks of spending nearly every free moment trying to get
just one little last detail of my system to work ...my fileserving script on
mIRC / or a clone thereof for a *nix client...  I'm about tearing my hair
out.  first off was the disappointment of Wine not liking Mandrake_Desk (the
menu part of it) and crashing with a whole whopping 6 minute record of
emulation (i got 3 hours on redhat... but my soundcard doesn't work with
their distro).  Last week it was fighting with bochs-1.4 and finally giving
up after sitting here for days just trying to get it to load some kind of
boot floppy or image of one to make an image of a windows install.  I still
haven't got the slightest clue why that won't work.  The third option,
finding a script for kvIRC/BitchX/ircII/epic_ircII/kIRC/smIRC/x-chat/etc has
turned out to be about the most frustrating.  Do *nix'ers not do
filesharing?  i found one script that was half there (no kind of listmaker
for an index of your files) and one that I can't get the installer binary to
open even after having downloaded/configured/compiled/installed all the
latest versions of c... c++.. compilers... parsers...fortran.. perl, python,
and tcl/tk et cetera, trying different shells...  (yep... i checked the
permissions.. .it's 777).
     so... here i am back in Winblows writing this on OutCast Express 'cause
i don't feel like re-installing linux for the 4th time in 3 days (at least
it's pretty easy to do with those replay discs).  I know.. it's just one
chat room out of a million that i can't work with.. but it's a lot of
friends in there too.  I like Linux when it's running smooth.  I had my last
linux box up for months without a reboot.
       So.. I guess my question comes down to 2 things.. does anyone have
either a fileserving script for x-chat or ircII(or its clones) or a disk
image of a running windows 98 with samba access... or any resources they
could point me towards.  If it's going to cost me 300 dollars to get VMware
Workstation, I think I'll just deal with the BSOD.  (at least i got mine to
be green instead of blue lol).
                                        oops i wrote a book.  i'll shut up
                                         thx in advance!  if there's an
answer it's here.

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