.iecai [I couldn't agree more]. Given a pre-installed system , I don't
understand how any Windows user could find Mandrake/KDE more difficult
than Windows.

Sir Robin

On Thu, 2002-05-30 at 05:30, Michael Viron wrote:
> Femme,
> As you said Linux has come a long way, but I do not think that it is that
> far away from being an option for the desktop.  Keep in mind that Corel
> Linux OS (before Corel spun it off as Xandros (http://www.xandros.net/)),
> hid virtually all configuration behind the scenes (including partitioning)
> and featured a desktop that looked very close to MS.
> Mandrake also is very close.  Just about everything you could possibly want
> to configure can be done via GUI programs.  Want to install something?
> There is rpmdrake (specifically created by Mandrake), as well as Gnome and
> KDE equivalents.  Want to browse the web?  You can choose from Netscape,
> Mozilla, Konquerer, etc.  Want to configure your system?  You can do it via
> Mandrake Control Center, Linuxconf, or any one of a number of "GUI" based
> configuration tools.  Want to read e-mail?  Try K-Mail, Evolution, or any
> of the other GUI items out there.
> This is a far cry from Slackware 2.x and 3.x, which pretty much required
> you to hand-compile everything, and which had no way of knowing whether a
> dependency was installed or compiled without running a configure from the
> command line.  Heck, the default kernel in Slackware 2.x and 3.x did not
> include networking by default, so if you even wanted to access the internet
> you had to recompile from scratch -- configuring it via a text based
> question / answer.
> In mandrake (as well as several other distros), the dependencies (for the
> most part) are take care of automatically.
> You are, of course, entitled to your opinion.
> But, believe me, things could be a lot more "tech" oriented then they are now.
> Michael
> --
> Michael Viron
> Project Manager / Primary Developer, General Education Online
> Core System Administration Team, Simple End User Linux
> At 03:44 PM 5/29/2002 -0600, you wrote:
> >Tom Brinkman wrote:
> >> 
> >> On Wednesday 29 May 2002 11:13 am, Dave Conroy wrote:
> >
> >>     It's only a matter of time before lot'sa people will need to
> >> unlearn Windows, and learn somethin else.  Specially with M$'s new
> >> fangled SA programs (price gouging scams), and the horrific security
> >> holes that all M$ OS's and software feature.
> >> --
> >>     Tom Brinkman                    Corpus Christi, Texas
> >> 
> >
> >a) won't happen soon enough
> >
> >b) won't happen.
> >
> >Why? Because linux will never be a desktop OS for the masses IMO. 
> >Requires too much tech knowledge and most just want their machine to
> >work.  Shrugs, My opinion.  I know its come a long way but its still got
> >a longer way to go yet.
> >-- 
> >Femme
> >
> >Good Decisions You boss Made:
> >
> >"We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
> >character from Peanuts."
> >
> >- Source: Dilbert
> >
> >
> >Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
> >Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com
> >
> ----

> Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
> Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

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