On Thursday 06 June 2002 04:08 pm, you wrote:
> On Wed, 5 Jun 2002 16:47:40 +0100 (BST)
> Prabhas Kunisetty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hellow,
> >
> > I faced a problem in login linux, i installed the software from a cd
> > which is freely supplied with a magzine . i installed the software, it
> > automatically partionied my hard disk, when i started my computer it is
> > asking a login , how to bypass that login , how should i use with out
> > login, my operating system is windows 98, 256mb ram , 40gb hard disk, how
> > should i uninstall the linux software from windows, because i cant able
> > to login linux
> >
> > please help me
> >
> >
> >
> > bye...............
> >
> > kachi
> hm.. i think you need an explaination..
> Windows and Linux are both Operating systems. they are both used to
> fullfill similar tasks. therefore, when you use the Linux installer, it
> will overwrite Windows partitions unless you tell it not to. Linux and
> windows can coexist, but it takes a bit of experience with partitions ..
> some practice, and some trial and error.
> now, if you forgot your login/password and cannot use your computer, it's a
> good chance to start all over, since you will probably need to reinstall
> everything anyway.
> do the Linux installation process again. this time, choose the expert
> install, so you can choose how to partition your hard drive. this will let
> you choose how much space you want to leave to Linux, as well as restore
> your windows installation.
> when you come to the partitioning stage of the installer, do as follows:
> ( the partition manager is pretty intuitive and i think you can follow
> these steps just by reading the captions in the buttons. )
> first of all: select and delete all existing partitions, one by one. All of
> your harddrive space should be displayed as a white bar, meaning all of the
> space is free.
wow, I don't know if you want to tell someone that is not aware of the fact 
MDK is an OS to "delete all existing partitions" until we have had a chance 
to see if he has really over written his fat partition, or just messed with 
the MBR so he don't see his fat partition

> second: create your first partition with filesystem FAT32. ( i think it's
> labeled "Win98 FAT32" in the installer )
of course if you see the win fat partition BEFORE you delete all the 
partitions, then you may very well have not lost the house, just missplaced 
the keys to the door 

>       use the sliders in the 'create partition' dialog to give it as much
> space as you like, but remember you need some space for linux too. leave
> about 2 GB  AT LEAST for Linux. the option "mount point" is the folder
> inside of which you want Linux to show your Windows 98 files.
> "/mnt/windows" or any name you like, inside of /mnt/ is a good option.
ehhh if you can, leave 6 gigs for Linux, 

> third: as the new fat32 partition shows now in the dialog ( it will be
> displayed in blue )select the remaining "white" space, and click 'create'
> button again. this time, choose 'ext3' filesystem, give this partition all
> of the space you have left, minus 500 MB. you will use those 500 MB on the
> next step. The mount point for this partition will be the root directory.
> in mount point, simply select the slash " / ".
ext3 may (or not) be the best choice, I (personally) would suggest ext2, and 
for swap a standard suggestion is 2x the amount of ram. 

> fourth: you should have the blue fat32 partition and one red ext3 partition
> and a little 500 MB blank space left. select that blank space and create a
> filesystem of type "Linux swap". pull the slider all the way to the right,
> to make sure you waste no space. the mount point for this one, is "swap".
> now you should have the blue fat32, the red ext3 and the last green Linux
> Swap.
> now, this is the importat step:
> ---------
> once you have made all of the partitions, choose to format them all. once
> you are done with this, exit the installer. reboot your computer, and
> reinstall your windows 98.
> --------
> as you complete your windows installation you will notice that your
> hard-drive space will not show the space being used by Linux partitions.
> that's the way it is. Windows cannot see or display filesystems other than
> FAT, so while you are in windows, Linux will be invisible.
while there are third party (non-free) software to allow WINblow$ to see 
linux partitions, Mandrake Linux can, out of the box, see, read and write to 
many other types of file systems. (IMHO, this is because Linux works 
correctly and winBlow$ works the way Uncle Billy wants.)

> once you are happy again with your windows installation ( you may have some
> problems downloading all the porn again ;o) ) you can get back to
> installing Linux.
> ( when you are installing more than one operating system in a computer,
> it's always better to install windows first, since it's more agressive on
> the boot settings and would overwrite your Linux boot entry no matter what
> you did, and it would cause more problems. )
> once you enter the Linux installation again, make sure you don't delete or
> format any partitions, as they are already ready-to-go and you don't want
> to risk formatting your windows partition AGAIN by mistake.
> Always read the help messages displayed in the lower part of the screen.
> they may help you understand what you are doing. that's why they are there.
> And please remember: Logins are important in Linux. when the installer asks
> you for an administrator password and/or usernames/passwords, use names you
> can remember, if not write them down.
> Finally, once the installation is complete, reboot your computer and you
> should see a dialog on every start-up from now on asking if you want to
> boot Linux or Windows.
> I hope this helps anyone who reads it, i don't think i'm too good at
> explaining things, but this should be a start for you to read..
> anyway, didn't the magazine that brought the CD include some sort of guide
> for this kind of installation? it should explain far better than me...
> oh, if you are actually going to try all of this, i suggest you print this
> email so you can read this as you do it.
> Damian

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