Two problems, possibly related:

1)   In /dev there is an entry scanner@, which is flashing red.  What 
does this mean?  It may be connected with the fact that my CanoScan 
FS2710, a scsi film scanner, is recognised at boot-up, but that is as 
far as I have got with it.

2)  Problem 1 came to light when I was trying to sort out the problem of 
my cardreader (compact flash and smartmedia).  Following the advice to a 
previous question, I typed

modprobe usb-storage    then
mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /mnt/cardreader

This crashed spectacularly, needing a forced fsck to get it going again. 
  It occurred to me that sda1 may be the filmscanner, so I tried to look 
at the directories in a shell.

Under /dev/usb there is only lp0 - my printer, presumably.

Under /dev/scsi there are 3 entries, host0, host1, host2.  Each of these 
shows subdirectories bus0/targetx/lun0 (lun0 in every case).  Host0 
shows 'generic', host1 shows 'cd generic' and host2 shows 'disc generic'.

Can someone please explain to me what is happening, and how I can check 
whether the cardreader is being recognised without risking another 
serious crash.



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