On Tuesday 18 June 2002 14:58, kahwoon's wrote:
> hey hey hey!
> i've got some good news!! i've got LM 8.2 running on my good ole 233MMX!!!


> now i am face with another problem..
> i can't access to cd-rom or floppy disk drive when i am in LM.. even when i
> am log in as root with the GUI.. :(
> can anyone tell me bout it??

Well first do not log in as root. That message that pops up telling you not to 
is there for a reason.  The world will not end if you log in as root, but it 
is a good habit to anytime you need to do anything as root to open a user 
terminal and issue the command
su   You will then be root user.

Second. I assume you have a CD in the drive when you try to browse to it?
Note you will not be able to browse to an audio CD.

> and er. my sound card.. i have a Creative Vibra 128 sound card.. i think LM
> successfully installed it.. but it sounds so slow.. er.. imean soft.. can't
> seem to hear it.. :(

Check your mixer settings KMenu>Multimedia>Sound>kmix   you can save the 
settings once you have adjusted them.

> and when i try to play mp3 files with XMMS.. the song played is like.. er..
> jagged.. er.. noisy and broken.. :(
> wat happen? does anyone have any idea??

Seems like your computer cannot cope with MP3s while running KDE, you do not 
say how much memory you have, but whatever it is it is not enough. The best 
thing you can do is switch to a lighterweight window manager. Your computer 
was designed for Win98, yet KDE is comparable to Windows XP in terms of its 
system requirements. Examples of alternative window managers are :-   iceWM 
is very Win95 like and will be easy for a newbie to use,  XFce is very fast, 
but requires manual set up.  Blackbox or Fluxbox are both *very* fast, but 
you will have to get used to having no desktop icons.  You will also find 
some applications are much faster than others. Most KDE apps will be slow on 
your computer.  Example of fast applications are,  Galeon or Opera  browsers, 
Abiword word processor, Gnumeric spreadsheet, gtcd CD player, xmms multimedia 
player  xwc file manager.
All these things are on your CD's. You can have fun trying them all out  
(except Abiword which is available by download)

> also.. is it me ... or..
> i feel that with LM8.2 in my Pentium 233MMX, i really feel.. Windows98SE
> runs faster thanLM8.2
> could there be any setting that i might have miss out??

My 233MHz 96MB laptop positively *flies* if I run it under fluxbox...  Much 
faster than Win98. Under KDE it is just 'OK'



> k.. that's the update from me.. :) :D
> Lots of hugs and kisses,
> kahwoon... :)

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