On Mon, 18 Mar 2002 23:59:02 -0800 (PST)
Lionel Lecoq <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Ted,
> You are expecting a lot from a newbie...

I'm not expecting complaints because it's not easy.  It's not easy to
install, configure, and learn a completely unfamiliar operating system
by oneself, particularly a "free" one.  If you're expecting it to be,
your expectations are out of alignment.

> this is why in another post I advised to just reinstall the distro
> cleanly and start from there. Unless the man has a radeon or one of
> those just released video adapters he can live quite well with what
> comes with the distro.

Unfortunately, he does have a Radeon.  It's particularly difficult to
get an unfamiliar system working on the latest-and-greatest or unusual
equipment.  Newbies are much more likely to be happy if they have
equipment that was very popular two years ago, but unfortunately newbies
are not likely to realize that.

> After a few months of getting comfortable with
> his new environment he can always decide to upgrade and do it
> understanding what he is doing Not everybody has your experience ;^)
> Actually (no flame war intended :-) I don't believe switching to
> freeBSD or from RH to any other  linux distro will help much.

I didn't mean to advocate switching.  I wanted to put in a disclaimer
that I don't have much knowledge of RedHat, but I also wanted to say
that I do have some experience with XFree86.  Sorry if I gave a
different impression.

> There is
> a learning curve involved and the more reasonable among us post their
> config and log and don't moan ;~} cheers

Yes, there is, and if people don't expect that, their expectations are
out of alignment.  XFree86 was very, very good 7 years ago, and has
gotten much, much better in the interim.  But there's still a learning
curve, and there's likely to be misunderstandings for people who are not
already familiar with X11.

Remember, more computing power was thrown away last week than existed in
the world in 1982.  -- http://www.tom.womack.net/computing/prices.html
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