Ok, so after 9 days of work I finally got Newsclipper installed and working.
Some lessons that I want to share with newbies like me (Remember that this is for the Open Source for Windows 32 version)
a) The first thing that you have to do is download nmake from ftp://ftp.microsoft.com/Softlib/MSLFILES/nmake15.exe and unzip it on the same directory where you are going to do your newsclipper instalation from. If you can't log to this ftp, go to Microsoft site and search for nmake15.exe
b) You can't download Activestate's perl last version. It does not have all the modules that Newsclipper needs. Instead you have to choose the older versions download section.
c) Once installed run ppm install module, where module is the name of the module that has to be installed. So you will write:
    install MIME-Base64
    install libnet
    install Font-AFM
    install Digest-MD5
    install URI
    install HTML-Parser
    install libwww-perl
    install TimeDate
    install Time-modules
    install HTML-Tree
    install libwin32
    install Storable   (ATTENTION : This instruction is not included in the NewsClipper README File)
For every one of this modules, ppm goes to the activestate site and downloads it, so it may take a while.
After that you have to install File::Cache, but there is no module to install it using ppm, so you have to do the following:
    2) Unzip it to any directory. You will have a File-Cache-0.09 sub-directory
    3) Go to File-Cache-0.09 sub-directory
    4) copy the nmake files that you unziped on step 'a' to this sub-directory, or include them in your system PATH
    5) type     
        perl Makefile.PL
        nmake test
        nmake install
    6) Now copy the Cache.pm file that was created to below your  ...\perl\lib\File  folder
d) Now it is time to install Newsclipper. Go to the folder where you unziped it
    1) copy the nmake files that you unziped on step 'a' to this sub-directory, or include them in your system PATH
    2) type
         perl Makefile.PL
                 Specify the folder to install     
                 Choose your time zone
         nmake install
         nmake NewsClipper_Cleanup
e) To test Newsclipper, you have to go to the folder Samplefiles and run
        perl ....\NewsClipper\bin\NewsClipper.pl
        Where .... is the path where you installed it.
Good Luck, now comes the second part, how to write handlers. I've been fiting for 3 days without success. As soon as I discover, I will also post a tutorial on it.

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