What operating system, what version of newsclipper, and what install
method did you use?

I am experiencing the same symptoms you are. I just installed
NewsClipper v1.28 on my Debian Linux system using the new Debian package
1.28 that Goerzen recently uploaded to the Debian archive. (I also had
to install a couple perl modules manually that Goerzen did not include
in the debian package: DBI-1.14, File-Cache-0.14, File-Spec-0.82,

I don't think the server was down when I had my problem, D.C. checked
it and told me it was up.  You can download the handlers manually from

On Sun, Jan 21, 2001 at 09:06:57PM +1100, Ben wrote:
> I've just installed NewsClipper (free version) and have tried running the
> sample script. When I do, I get the following message:
> "Couldn't determine which version of the handler yahootopstories to download
> because the server is down. Try again in a while, and send email to
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] if the problem exists."
> This messages is repeated for all the handlers in the sample script and I've
> been receiving this message for the past few hours. I've checked the config
> files and can't see anything wrong.
> Has anyone else been experiencing problems with the handler server? Is there a
> way I can install the handlers locally so that they don't need to be
> downloaded to run?

"Erik Reuter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       http://www.erikreuter.com/
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