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[22] Gary Nev backs Veron
Posted Tuesday, August 20, 2002 by db:
"Nobody works harder than Seba. He is always running. People just want to watch him, 
the fans should really look at him because he never stops running. The energy levels 
he has got are unbelievable. I bet he does more running than any other player in the 
game. None of us enjoyed not winning a trophy last year and he was made a scapegoat at 
times due to the fact that he was the big signing, but that doesn't interest us here 
any more. We can see from the press we have received at the start of this season that 
things are not going to get any better until we actually start lifting trophies again. 
We are just going to have to blank that out of our minds and get on with it as 
individuals and as a team"

[21] Sven - Becks in the middle
Posted Tuesday, August 20, 2002 by db:
 "I think those people who say Beckham should play inside in midfield might be right. 
But it's not up to me to test that, it's up to Alex Ferguson. My job is to select the 
right players and let them play at the positions they already play in at their clubs. 
David works extremely hard. By just being himself he is a leader. In training he goes 
first all the time. There are never any discussions about whether it's raining, or if 
it's windy. He agrees the work should just be done, end of discussion."

[20] Fergie on getting keeper in
Posted Tuesday, August 20, 2002 by db:
"We will have to get a new keeper soon because we only have two kids (Ben Williams and 
Luke Steele) to cover for Barthez and we will be looking for another defender. The big 
problem is 'who do you go and buy to keep the strength of the squad up?"

[19] Albion fans deny song intention
Posted Tuesday, August 20, 2002 by db:
This was sent to us from a West Brom unofficial site - sadly we don't know the name to 
credit it but will try and find out. West Brom fans deny they were mocking us.

'(From their unofficial site):

Scuffles broke out between the supporters of West Bromwich Albion and Manchester 
United over a bizarre misunderstanding at Old Trafford on Saturday.

As most people who have played the Baggies over the past few years know, we are fairly 
self-mocking and have perfected the "Yam-Yam" song to the tune of "The Dambusters". 
For those who are uninitiated, a Yam-Yam is what those south of the Hagley Road call 
Black Country locals. By way of an


Yam-yam: "Yam orlroight?"

Brummie: "Yes ta bab, are you?"

Yam-yam: "Aah - bostin!"

Albion fans were singled out by United fans in the street who meted out rough justice 
for what they took to be a dig about the 1958 Munich Air Disaster.

Birmingham report that Terry Wills, an Albion supporter, claimed the incident was 
nothing more than an unfortunate mix-up.


"I am 69 years-old and, like many supporters, remember the Munich disaster," he said. 
There is no way any Albion fan would try to incite the United supporters about such a 
sensitive issue, This is a chant Albion fans regularly use and will continue to use. 
It is very unfortunate it happened at Old Trafford. It's very sad some people had 
their day ruined but it really was a misunderstanding between the two sets of fans. 
There is certainly no way Albion were making fun of, or any reference to, Munich."

[18] Even worse than at Old Trafford
Posted Tuesday, August 20, 2002 by db:
This from safestanding.com

I thought I would give you an update on the standing situation at 

First some background:

Over the last six months the club have sought to encourage fans in  the Northam 
section of the ground to sit down. The Northam is largely  populated by those who used 
to stand on the Archers Road end at The  Dell - this was an area that stood for many 
years and which was  tolerated by the club/stewards/police.

The chairman, Rupert Lowe, is in favour of a debate on the issue and  believes that 
standing should be allowed under the right 
circumstances. He has also said that pressure from the FLA/Council  means that for 
season 2002/03 there will have to be a crackdown on  standing in the Northam.

This crackdown started with all season ticket holders having to sign  a undertaking 
saying that they would sit. If you didn't sign you were  unable to renew your season 
ticket. The undertaking does not have to  be signed by people buying individual 

Last week the club sent an information pack to all people with season  tickets on the 
Northam, containing letters from the club, police,  council, and I think the FLA. They 
also enclosed a "mugshot" of fans  standing on the Northam last year but with faces 
obscured. This  information pack made it clear that if people continued to stand the  
club risked having the Northam section closed by the FLA/Council.

On Saturday at the game against Middlesborough the club began  enforcing the no 
standing rule. Several fans were told by stewards to  sit down or be ejected. These 
fans were congregated in the lower  section of the Northam stand. The club did nothing 
to attempt to get  the "hardcore" standers at the top of the stand to sit. The police  
took extensive video footage of the people who were standing, and  also videoed each 
occasion when a steward spoke to a fan asking them  to sit down.

The issue is causing fierce debate and in some cases conflict between  Saints fans. On 
numerous occassions on Saturday stewards were called  in by fans who were seated 
behind standing fans in order to get the  standing fans to sit down. There was much 
chanting from the standing  sections regarding those who were sitting down and this 
caused some  angry scenes. In response to the police videotaping it is expected  that 
some fans may attempt to disguise themselves/cover their faces  for the next game 
(against Chelsea next Wednesday).

Excited 90/38
(have to protect my identity for fear of recrimination from club)

[17] Keane on West Brom
Posted Tuesday, August 20, 2002 by db:
"It was quite a hard game for us but we knew it was going to be tough especially with 
the conditions and with West Brom having just won promotion they were bound to battle 
and that's what they did. We should have really scored in the first half and when I 
missed a great chance and I thought it was going to be one of those days. Even when 
they went to ten men it was difficult but we kept plugging away and luckily enough Ole 
took his chance. Physically and mentally I am hoping we will see the benefits of the 
rest I have had this summer out on the pitch. And hopefully this performance will have 
put paid to the negativity that's been aimed at the club recently. Of course we were 
disappointed about Hungary and no one more so than us, but it's our job to put it 
right and do our best and I'm sure the fans appreciated the effort today. It wasn't an 
outstanding display - but we got the three points and that was the priority. We'd have 
settled for that before the match. We have to try a!
nd improve now and win every home game after losing six here last season - we can't 
afford to do that this season."

[16] Keane - read the book first
Posted Tuesday, August 20, 2002 by db:
"I'm not worried at all about what's going on at the moment. I always try to tell the 
truth and the way it is. That's the way things are and I try and enjoy my  football. 
For me that's what it's all about. I don't worry about the headlines . People haven't 
read the book yet and I'd recommend you read it  first before rushing to conclusions."

[15] McCarthy on Keane
Posted Tuesday, August 20, 2002 by db:
"The fact is he has said he will not play again as long as I am manager or coach. He 
is entitled to change his mind, just as I can, but if he is not prepared to play there 
is nothing I can do. Roy has said he has retired from international football, which is 
something he was always going to do after the World Cup. I'm sure he means well. Maybe 
I could have smiled a bit more but other than that I have no regrets about what 
happened during the summer.  I can't change what people think of me. I just want to 
get on with my job and I think we have done pretty well to be honest.  Once again I 
find myself talking about things other than football. As far as I am concerned the 
matter is closed but it is going to be raked up continuously.  It is always going to 
be there, looming in the background. As a football manager, I always expected to be 
judged on results and strangely enough that is what happened when the table isn't as 
good as it is now.  Now it has turned I am being judged on t!
hings other than results, which is a little bit unfair."

Asked though on his own book due out soon

"That is a separate issue. They are my reflections on the World Cup. That is for me to 
do and you will see it when it comes out. I addressed the issue at the time and 
whatever people want to say afterwards, I can do nothing about."


[14] More Keano stick
Posted Tuesday, August 20, 2002 by db:
Jason McAteer. Perhaps a Bob the Builder cd is his level, all those words can confuse 
after all...

"I'd rather buy a Bob the Builder CD for my two-year-old son than the book. I haven't 
bought the newspapers where the extracts were published, I won't be buying the book 
and I think the other lads are the same. The whole Roy Keane thing seems to be rearing 
its ugly head every five minutes. But the players have moved on. Honestly, we have.  
We've not been shocked by what he said because we know him better than anyone. Others 
may be shocked and hurt. But we've known for a long time that he was releasing a book 
and it was never going to rattle anyone here.  We know he's capable of this, and it 
will be the same for the Manchester United lads - they won't be shocked about him 
having a go at them because he says it all in the dressing room anyway. We got it out 
of our system a long time ago and with him gone we just want football to be the main 
topic again.

I don't think it will ever properly go away. It just puzzles me that someone should 
release a book having a go at everyone when he is still playing, rather than when he's 
retired. Has he got a hidden agenda? I respect him as a footballer, but I don't 
understand him. He's an associate rather than a friend.  Sometimes you can see where 
he is coming from. But then you hear he is calling Jack Charlton a 'joke'. I mean, 
let's be serious. The man took Ireland from virtually nowhere to two World Cups. It's 
the pinnacle for any country, and he did it twice. If there's a joke in that, I don't 
get it."

[13] McCarthy avoids questions
Posted Tuesday, August 20, 2002 by db:
"I can't change what anybody else thinks of me, so we'll get on with doing the job 
with our players. I think we've done well to be honest."

[12] And you are who exactly?
Posted Tuesday, August 20, 2002 by db:
Reading's captain Phil Parkinson

"I don't normally like criticising fellow pros, but I feel Roy has overstepped the 
mark. I remember when he made that tackle on Haaland, and thinking it was made by a 
player with total disregard for the consequences of his actions. Sometimes it seems he 
feels he's bigger than the game itself. To come out and admit the maliciousness in his 
tackle was premeditated is an insult to our profession, and I hope the FA throw the 
book at him."

[11] Duff to sign new Blackburn deal?
Posted Tuesday, August 20, 2002 by db:
"If the contract had been there on Friday, I would have signed it. It's just not quite 
ready. Hopefully, by the time I come back from international duty, everything will be 
sorted. I'm very happy here. My game has improved no end in the past year, so I'm 
definitely going to stay. I haven't prolonged it, talks just went on for that long and 
it didn't have that much to do with me. So when it's ready to sign, I'll sign it."

[10] Division Two memories
Posted Tuesday, August 20, 2002 by db:
We're looking for your great and unique memories from the 2nd Division season. If you 
have short tales from that year - whether it be the season itself, specific games, at 
Old Trafford or places like Millwall and Blackpool send them in. The games, the 
memories, the craic, anything and everything - we're after your tales. Send to 

[9] Ever met a player?
Posted Tuesday, August 20, 2002 by db:
Any funny/serious/bizarre encounters with United players past or present - any 
memories at all you think our readers would be interested in send them to 

[8] Bizarre quote/story of the day
Posted Tuesday, August 20, 2002 by db:
Sven's mum, Ulla Eriksson

"Alex Ferguson is a threat to my son.  Sven told me during a phone conversation that 
it is pointless having national team games in April or May because Ferguson, in one 
way or another, makes sure his stars aren't fit."

Too right.

[7] Italian TV chaos
Posted Tuesday, August 20, 2002 by db:
>From PA

'The Italian league authorities will decide on Tuesday whether to postpone the start 
of the Serie A season due to the lack of a television agreement between the clubs and 

Italian state broadcaster RAI has offered £28.7million for the right to broadcast 
highlights next season, according to Italian national newspaper Corriere della Sera.

It is highly unlikely that the clubs will accept the offer as it is substantially less 
than the £56million paid out last season in a deal which also included the Coppa 

However, RAI appear unwilling to go any higher despite the troubled financial state of 
some of Serie A clubs.

"RAI are not prepared to bleed to salvage some clubs that have debts," said RAI 
general director Agostino Sacca.

Eight Serie A clubs have yet to even come close to a deal with subscription channels 
Tele Piu and Stream, who show the league matches live.

With each club able to negotiate their own contract, the bigger teams like Juventus - 
who have agreed a £34.5million contract with Tele Piu - have already completed their 

However, the same station has offered just £3.2million each to Atalanta, Brescia, 
Perugia, Chievo, Como, Empoli, Modena and Piacenza, who do not have the same 
nationwide appeal.'

[6] Escude still wants OT move
Posted Tuesday, August 20, 2002 by db:
 "I am worried such a chance might not happen again. It's an incredible opportunity 
for me and this is what I want the Rennes directors to understand. A career in 
football is short and things are always going fast, that is why it is important to 
seize the opportunities when they come up. It is time for me to move on and reach 
another step in my career. I have been repeating since the season started that I 
wanted to leave, I will keep fighting to be heard. I have spent three great seasons 
with Rennes but I have other objectives and ambitions now. Manchester knocked on my 
door and that makes me dream, makes me feel like going, this club is so prestigious. 
And if Rennes sell me it can only be beneficial to them, they will see their 
reputation grow thanks to that transfer."

[5] Ole wants more Norway goals
Posted Tuesday, August 20, 2002 by db:
"I haven't scored enough for Norway. I have had some chances of late which I haven't 
put away. On the other hand, I want to contribute to us winning and in that sense it 
doesn't matter who scores."

[4] Haaland tries cure in America
Posted Tuesday, August 20, 2002 by db:
Haaland's lawyer Dag Steinfeld

"Alf Inge is in the States visiting one of the best knee specialists, Richard 
Steadman, in the business."

[3] Ole not to play the 90 minutes
Posted Tuesday, August 20, 2002 by db:
ASlight confusion -there was talk in Norway that Ole was going to be rested, but now 
they are saying he won't be playing 90 minutes in their friendly game.

[2] Order a Red News sub online
Posted Tuesday, August 20, 2002 by db:
Thanks to our new link with the safe, simple to use and world wide massively known 
paypal you can now order your 10 issue subscription to Red News the fanzine via credit 
card payment, ordering online from wherever you live in the world, getting the mag to 
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And those philanthropists out there can help with our costs by making an online 
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[1] Gary Nev turns down testimonial
Posted Tuesday, August 20, 2002 by db:
posted on reddevils list by sarah

Gary Neville was asked in the current United magazine if he was having a testimonial 
this year, which he replied that "even though I know I am eligible, I will not be 
having one". I did not think this fella could go further up in my estimation but he 
has.  Obviously players no longer need the money, but is Gary the first United player 
to reject the offer or a testimonial?  It will be interesting to see what the 
responses of Nicky Butt and David Beckham will be to the issue (both also 'owed' 
testimonials this year).

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