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[11] Ever met a United player?
Posted Thursday, August 22, 2002 by db:
Do you have any funny/serious/bizarre encounters with United players past or present ? 
Any memories at all you think our readers would be interested in - send them to 

[10] Pots and kettles anyone
Posted Thursday, August 22, 2002 by db:
PR 'guro' Max Clifford

"There are three steps to this - prevention, explanation and punishment. Things like 
this are damaging, not just to Roy Keane but to the game itself and the best way to 
minimise the damage is to stop it happening at all. In conjunction with the 
Professional Footballers' Association, the FA should write to all clubs and advise 
them they wish to check all books before they are published.  Not everyone will comply 
but if you have advised them in writing there can be no excuses afterwards. In this 
instance, the FA should have got hold of a copy of the book, then requested a meeting 
with Roy Keane to find whether the words were his and if he stands by them. If he does 
then you have to act. It is something I make all my clients aware of. A lot of 
youngsters are influenced by the big names and articles such as this damage the 
credibility of the game.  It is very important the FA are seen to be strong and fair. 
In a situation like this Roy Keane appears to be condemned by his own mout!

[9] Anything Keane can do I can do...
Posted Thursday, August 22, 2002 by db:
>From the Guardian

'It was announced yesterday that David Beckham, at the tender age of 27, has signed a 
multi-million pound deal to pen his autobiography. 

Conveniently forgetting the publication of a previous effort, David Beckham: My World, 
more than two years ago, the Manchester United and Eng land footballer has signed with 
HarperCollins to write what he describes as his first real autobiography.

The book, in which Beckham promises to reveal details of his career and private life 
"in my own words for the first time", will be published in autumn next year.

"Although I have been involved in one or two book projects before, this will be my 
first autobiography," Beckham, whose squeaky voice is only matched by his squeaky 
clean private life, said on signing the contract. "I reckon that I have had a pretty 
interesting career so far and am looking forward to telling my story in my own words 
for the first time."

A HarperCollins spokeswoman confirmed Beckham would be getting "professional help" 
with the writing. But she refused to disclose the exact sum paid for the rights, 
confirming only that it was a "multi-million pound" deal.

However Joel Rickett, news editor of Bookseller magazine, estimated the contract would 
be worth more than £2m. "If you think that HarperCollins paid Murray Walker £1.2m then 
Beckham, who is probably the biggest name in Britain that you could sign up at the 
moment, must be getting more than that. HarperCollins also have the serialisation 
rights which will be worth a fortune."

Amanda Ridout, the managing director of HarperCollins General Books, clearly has no 
doubts. "This will be the publishing event of 2003," she said. "David will give us a 
fascinating insight into the private life of a man whose every move is followed on the 
world stage."

[8] Sorin linked again
Posted Thursday, August 22, 2002 by db:
Guardian reckons we'll be talking to Juan Pablo Sorin's agents next week.

[7] Becks admits to lack of fitness for all the team
Posted Thursday, August 22, 2002 by db:
"Our expectations have to be higher than last season because we came away 
empty-handed.  So it's important our expectations are lifted a little bit more. It's 
about raising the bar. We have to be better than we were last season. You are not 
match fit at this stage - none of us is.  We might have had friendlies but it's 
nothing like playing in the Premier League and playing for points.  We are happy, 
though. We were a little bit down after the West Brom game."

[6] Neil Lennon pulls out of Northern Ireland match
Posted Thursday, August 22, 2002 by db:
because of death threats received before the game last night

In a statement he said

"After close consultations with the footballing authorities and police service of 
Northern Ireland, I will not be participating in this evening's international game. I 
am very disappointed that my desire to play for my country on my first opportunity to 
captain the side at home has been taken away from me."

[5] United's bonus scheme
Posted Thursday, August 22, 2002 by db:
According to the Sun

'Under the new scheme - which has been written into each of the first-teamers' 
contracts - players have to appear in EVERY ROUND of the FA Cup to hit the jackpot. 

If anyone returned from a long-term injury and played in the final alone, they would 
pocket around £30,000. 

In 1999 each senior star picked up nearly £300,000 for their Premiership, FA Cup and 
Champions League triumphs. 

Keeper Peter Schmeichel, an ever-present, struck the biggest bonanza by collecting 

This season a first-team regular will bag £180,000 if they snatch the Premiership 
title back off Arsenal. But the biggest pot of gold will come should they dump 
Hungarian minnows Zalaegerszeg next week and go all the way to lift the European Cup. 

Each player is looking at a £200,000 bonus if they lift Europe's top prize - with the 
added incentive that the final is on home soil. 

An Old Trafford insider revealed: "The Champions League is obviously courted by 
everyone at the club. 

"But United attach great significance to all the trophies and the bonuses reflect that 
this year."

[4] Order a Red News sub online
Posted Thursday, August 22, 2002 by db:
Thanks to our new link with the safe, simple to use and world wide massively known 
paypal you can now order your 10 issue subscription to Red News the fanzine via credit 
card payment, ordering online from wherever you live in the world, getting the mag to 
your door.

To order the 10 issue sub to be sent to a UK address click on


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And those philanthropists out there can help with our costs by making an online 
donation via paypal. Doesn't matter how small the amount is, every bit helps with the 
costs of the site - thanks. click on. 


[3] Chelsea keeper on United
Posted Thursday, August 22, 2002 by db:
Carlo Cudicini

"United had six or seven games where they were a disgrace and lost a lot of points. 
That's probably why they finished third.  Arsenal kept the same fitness levels and the 
same way of playing for longest last season.  They are unbelievable up front with 
their pace and skill - they can kill everybody with the strikers they have.  It's very 
difficult to play against them - when you think you have them pinned back, they can 
score on the counter-attack. We didn't change a lot like other teams.  That could be a 
good point as we know each other very well now.  The manager doesn't have to spend a 
lot of time with new signings.  I'm looking forward to the season. I'm sure we can 
achieve something and we want a trophy. I have to prove I deserve the No1 shirt.  So 
whether we play Bolton or Manchester United, every game is a cup final for me.  I hope 
my team-mates feel the same."

[2] Your 2nd Division memories
Posted Thursday, August 22, 2002 by db:
We're looking for your great and unique memories from the 2nd Division season. If you 
have short tales from that year - whether it be the season itself, specific games, at 
Old Trafford or places like Millwall and Blackpool send them in. The games, the 
memories, the craic, anything and everything - we're after your tales. Send to 

[1] Wind up of the day?
Posted Thursday, August 22, 2002 by db:
Must be surely, this from Japanese daily The Mainichi Daily News

'Women's efforts to make their bodies more erotic through dieting, etc., may actually 
be killing them, whimpers Spa!. 

 A recently released prisoner spills to Asahi Geino that 90 percent of what accused 
Osaka school killer Mamoru Takuma talks about while in jail relates to sex. 

 Aera wishfully speculates that Makiko Tanaka's recent resignation from the Diet may 
spell the end of the Tanaka political dynasty. 

 The real reason for North Korea's sudden softening of its hard-line stance is due to 
an infestation of insects that are destroying its rice crop, sprays Yomiuri Weekly.

 Shukan Taishu (9/1) shakes its fist at the "surprising capabilities" of Japan's Self 
Defense Forces, of which Japan's citizens are blissfully unaware. 

 Shukan Asahi (8/30) notes that careers in the government bureaucracy hold 
increasingly less appeal to the nation's elite. 

 Based on the slumping sales of her music CDs, Sunday Mainichi (9/1) pronounces 
middle-aged singer celebrity Seiko Matsuda's appeal as having reached its "expiration 
date." (Compiled by Masuo Kamiyama) 

Every few years a man comes along who moistens the panties of nearly every Japanese 
woman. In the past, the honor has fallen to such Hollywood heartthrobs as Brad Pitt 
and Leonardo DiCaprio (remember him?). 

Local favorites like SMAP sensation Takuya Kimura have had their turn, too. But, ever 
since late May when the English soccer team arrived on Japan's shores to prepare for 
the World Cup, nobody has got the gals squirming in their seats like David Beckham. 

And even though the World Cup finished weeks ago and barely anybody remembers who won 
the bloody thing, it seems nobody can forget old Golden Balls, as the English captain 
is known. 

With plenty of time on their hands over the summer, Japanese Golden Balls Groupies 
known as Bekkammer have flocked to Blighty for a chance to get closer to their dream 
of one day having sex with Becks. 

"Everybody wants to go because of the stadium tour. You can see the stadium lockers 
and dressing rooms and the tunnel from which players walk out before the start of a 
game," a travel agent tells Shukan Post (8/23-30). "We'd like to call it the 'Beckham 
Tour,'" but can't because of copyright problems. Still, every day we get phone calls 
from people asking us if they will be able to see Beckham if they go on the tour. The 
normal tour is four days and three nights and it costs about 250,000 yen." 

That's a heck of a lot of money just to pay to see a stadium where a particular soccer 
player struts his stuff, but not too much for the Bekkammer apparently. 

"My life changed with the World Cup," says Taeko, a 30-year-old former office worker, 
self-confessed Bekkammer and one-time rock groupie. "Where I once had eyes only for 
the band I liked, now I can only see Beckham. I went and stayed at the hotel where he 
stayed while he was in Japan. I examined the toilet he's supposed to have used from 
top to bottom. I took loads of photos of it. Then I licked the toilet thoroughly. I 
can't wait to get to Britain." 

Kaori currently works three nights a week as a hostess at a sleazy bar in Tokyo's 
Roppongi entertainment district to save enough money to get to Britain and perhaps 
snatch a glance at Golden Balls. 

"When I get to Britain, I'm going to have an Englishman's kid and raise it so it will 
be just like Beckham," she tells Shukan Post. "Actually, I was supposed to get married 
in June to a guy I'd been seeing for two years. But when I realized the wedding would 
stop me from watching Beckham at the World Cup, I called it off. My folks were 
furious, but I soothed them by telling them my boyfriend was always playing around on 

Sayaka would, and has in the past, put her body on the line to express her devotion 
for the English skipper. 

"Of course I followed (Beckham) around everywhere during the World Cup. Where did I 
get the money? I sold myself when I was in Sapporo. Just as Becks was scoring a goal, 
I was putting one in the back of the net, too," the 24-year-old tells Shukan Post with 
a giggle. "I'm going to Britain this summer. I'll sell myself to get by there, too. 
Who knows? I might be lucky and get called for a visit to (Beckham's posh mansion 
known as) Beckingham Palace." 

Though it's been weeks since the English skipper left these shores, Mikiko, whose 
first-grader son sports a Beckham-esque Mohican hairstyle, still hasn't ended her 
calls of "Beckham, Beckham," that followed the footballer wherever he went through the 

"I want to go to Britain," she tells Shukan Post with a squeal. "That's why I've been 
having an affair with a British teacher from my English conversation school. He tells 
me he looks like Beckham, so whenever we're having it off, I scream out, "Oh Beckham, 
Beckham, you're wonderful." 

Women like Mikiko have got Japanese men cringing. But it could have been worse. 
Instead of women in the throes of ecstasy calling out Beckham's name, they could have 
been screaming for the goalkeeper on his team - a chap by the name of Seaman.'

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