On Thu, Oct 03, 2002 at 04:27:15AM -0400, John Covici wrote:
> Wel, I am using your 1.5pre, and your configs are still very broke in
> this version.  
> The major problem seems to be finding libinn and libstorage.  I have
> a newslib directory where these are, but for some reason it is being
> ignored.  I put libinn.la in /usr/lib to get libinn to be found, but
> I could never get it to find libstorage.a or storage.h even though I
> pointed the include directory to the include directory from the inn
> distribution.

Afaict you have to use

STORAGEAPI=true EXTENDEDDBZ=true ./configure --more --options

else newsx won't be compiled with storage-API support even if
configure finds libstorage.a and (inn/)storage.h.
              cu andreas

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