Ain't life a bitch???  Quit complaining and learn to use the delete 
key................. (How did you get 1540 of them?   Oops,  don't tell me, I'd 
just delete it!)
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: jeff scott 
  Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2009 9:54 AM
  Subject: [Nighthawk Lovers] Re: Choke not operating properly

                    Some of the conversations are helpful to me such as someone 
the other day was talking about a speedometer they were getting and had a link 
to itand i am going to be needing the whole dashwhich was in the link,but i 
have a whole lot of other emails and have to weed through 1540 of them to get 
the ones that i really need
                    Have a great day ~ J. Scott 

                    From: Kyle Munz <>
                    Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2009 10:38:26 AM
                    Subject: [Nighthawk Lovers] Re: Choke not operating properly

                    Your options are to get each individual email, which is 
what I do because sometimes what others are talking about is of interest to me 
as well. Digest, where it will collect the messages and then send them to you 
all at once. Abridged does the same but only sends you the subject lines. And 
lastly No email, which doesn't email you at all, you have to log into the site 
to keep up on the messages.


                    On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 10:23 AM, jeff scott 
<> wrote:

                    Is it normal that i am getting everyones messages to each 
other? is there a way to opt out of getting 1540 personal messages that seem 
like they should be going only to the person intended without deleting all mail 
from this site?
                    Have a great day ~ J. Scott 

                    From: Josh Bowlin <>
                    Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2009 10:11:10 AM 

                    Subject: [Nighthawk Lovers] Re: Choke not operating properly

                    Well, the only way we ever come across the stuff is at a 
swap meet.  I did find a link to get it online.  If you follow the link you can 
order off of there.  I plan on buying a case when I get paid again.  Its the 
cheapest route and it doesnt go bad and will be used.  Cheap wise i dont know 
if its cheaper but im a firm believer that its worth every penny.

                    On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 8:59 AM, stanley/ Randolph 
<> wrote:

                    You're reading words from a person who has long been 
looking for something inexpensive to use because WD40, I am sorry, is not worth 
the money.  Gibbs sounds like one really good alternative.  Do you know its 
chemical coomposition?  We don't have it around here because all the 
mom-and-pops have already been put out of business.

                    From: Josh Bowlin <> 

                    Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2009 8:51:40 AM 

                    Subject: [Nighthawk Lovers] Re: Choke not operating properly

                    Ok the story behind me and gibbs is as follows.  My dad and 
i run antique gas engines. When I was 10 we were at our summer show and there 
was a gentle men who gave my father a 4oz sample can.  At that point and time 
my father had just restored a john deer tractor and the throttle was sticking 
sooo bad that he would have to ball up a fist and knock on it pretty hard to 
get the tractor to idle faster, and he would have to hit it hard several times 
to get it to rev the motor up.  Well he tried all kinds of things, WD-40, oil, 
grease, etc..well he sprayed some gibbs on it and we were both like Meh it wont 
work... Well as most things we got busy and it sat for a day or two, then we 
went out and fired up the tractor, my dad reached up with a balled fist and 
knocked on the throttle like he normally would and damn near broke the throttle 
off the tractor.  Since that day i have lived by the stuff.  You can use it as 
a lubricant, a cleaner, a rubber/plastic protectant, we have used it like ether 
to make an engine fire, we have polished chrome and metal with it, it prevents 
rust.  We have sprayed it on distributers and it works as a waterproofer.  Now 
i dont know how many of you know how a distrubutor works on an engine but if 
they get wet they are royally screwed till they dry out.  Well im confident 
enough (and ive done it before) that i willl spray down the distributer with 
gibbs and then dump a bucket of water on it with the engine/motor running and 
guarantee it wont miss a lick.  So in other words I replaced my can of WD-40 
about 13 years ago and use the gibbs for what it could do and then some.       
if you have any other types of questions about it just ask lol.    

                    On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 8:37 AM, Creative Residential 
Designs <> wrote:

                    Hey does the Gib's compare to WD-40? I live by 
WD-40 and keep a can next to my bike at all times. I anoint my bikes from top 
to bottom with a rag o' WD-40 chrome and all. It stops rust on my chrome dead 
in it's tracks along with all of it's other applications. I'm always open to 
try a new thing though. HotrodMamma.
                    ----- Original Message ----- 
                    From: Josh Bowlin 
                    Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2009 7:03 AM
                    Subject: [Nighthawk Lovers] Re: Choke not operating properly

                    On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 8:02 AM, Josh Bowlin 
<> wrote:

                    I use a product called Gib's, something i live by.  But if 
you dont have any you can always try to put some wd-40 on the choke cable to 
make sure its lubed correctly or you can check to make sure its not getting 
stuck up on the carbs or just pure and simple stuck on the carbs.  Also try 
some wd-40 on the working mechanism on the carbs.


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