I am convinced that I am still alive because I have asked the "what if?"
question a lot. I wise good friend of mine always told me there are two
types of driving philosophies on the road: you can either drive aggressively
or defensively. The former get you there quickly, the later get you there.
When I drive, I always assume the worse from everyone (it is amazing how
many times I'm right). If I have a car on the next lane, I'll assume he/she
will change lanes without even looking. If I have a car in front, I'll
assume it will stop suddenly because a squirrel is crossing the street.
Again, it is amazing how many times you can get it right.


On Fri, Oct 9, 2009 at 4:12 AM, surfswab <surfs...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Good question indeed.
> I use a combination, out of a matter of habit, mostly because my '95,
> with it's rear drum/front disc setup is the newest bike I've ever
> owned.
> Back in the day of all drums, bike and car, downshifting with steady
> front/rear brake application was the only way to haul it down in a
> straight line in a hurry.  So downshift-and-use-both-brakes-with-
> synchonized-pressure was praticed until it was ingrained and became as
> natural as breathing.
> What's more important to my way of thinking, is allowing enough
> following distance to avoid a heavy-braking situation to start with.
> The classic defensive driving technique -- the "what if?" game of
> anticipating hazards long before they materialize -- will save your
> butt more often than state-of-the-art brakes.
> >

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