You're still increasing the force of drag with the square of the velocity,
so... higher velocity is going to be more drag, no question.
Fd = 2*p*(v)^2*Cd*A
Fd = force due to drag
p = density of the fluid you're moving through
v = velocity
Cd = drag coefficient (which is probably what you were referring to)
A = frontal area; the "footprint" that the fluid in front of you sees.

Velocity (speed) is the big one here, as it's the only term that's squared
and it's also likely to be rather large. Cd is a fraction less than 1,
typically, and A... A is the other big one, but it's not squared.

Effortless cruising usually means that the engineers paired the engine's
powerband and the transmission's gear ratios well, as it sounds like you
appreciate. :D


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