> I have just started with macro(micro)photography.
> I have F-801s body with AF 35/2 and AF 85/1.8
> lenses. I would like to hear some comments about
> PK13 and PK12 extension rings. What is quality of
> pictures taken with these rings, especially
> compared with 60/2.8 micro or 105/2.8 micro.
If you're copying documents, or something similar (flat
surfaces / straight lines), you'll notice a bit less distortion
and a flatter field with a 60/2.8 than with the 85/1.8 on a
tube. If you're photographing anything else, you'll never
notice the difference.
You might want to consider getting a reversing ring. I
haven't used the AF version, but my MF 35/2 makes a
surprisingly good macro lens when mounted backwards.